Professional account

League Manager

League Manager
  • Live scores

    All Kicktipp leagues, tournaments and races come equipped with live scores. Scores are up to the minute and rankings are updated within seconds of goals and game changes.

  • More than 25 top leagues and tournaments

    Prediction communities for the Premier League, Champions League, La Liga, WC, EC, FA Cup and more! All the games you want. All combinable and with live scores!

  • Hockey

    In addition to football, we also offer hockey prediction games: DEL, WC, EC. All with live scores and the possibility to predict according to regulation time, overtime or penalty shots.

  • Handball

    We also offer tipping communities for the many handball fans. And of course with live scores as well!

  • Formula 1

    Who will win the qualifying, who will win the race? Predict the finishing time and check out the live scores at every passing.

  • Personal leagues and tournaments

    You want to predict your local league? Are you a fan of Indian Cricket or the Filipino basketball league? Nothing is impossible. With the built-in league manager, simply create your own prediction game and manage dates and results directly from the administration area.

  • Custom bonus questions

    If you didn't find the bonus questions you were looking for, you can create your own. Our integrated league management makes it possible.