
Create a prediction community

Create a prediction community

Have you already predicted in a prediction community for the Bundesliga? It's a lot of fun! It makes the games even more exciting when you are rooting for several teams and checking whether you made the right prediction. In the following we would like to give you some recommendations for setting up and managing a prediction community.

Advice 1: Start the prediction in the right moment

To start a prediction game correctly you need a little lead time. It is best to create the prediction game four weeks before the actual start. Like so, you have enough time to rethink all the settings and rules and configure your prediction game to your liking. Get acquainted with the Kicktipp platform.

Advice 2: Easy rules to start with

Kicktip offers a variety of possibilities for the tipping game configuration. You can set many different rules, mix leagues, etc. We do not want to dive deeper into this here. Especially when you want to create a new prediction community, you should just get started. Your players will thank you if they don't have to directly predict different leagues with complicated rules. Only in the case of experienced prediction communities, it makes sense, for example, to set up a quota rule.

But ultimately you have to assess your community yourself. Are the participants savvy prediction pros? Then you can experiment more. Do you want your prediction group to run in one of your company's divisions and also include colleagues who are not so insanely interested in football? Then choose the simplest rule variants.

Advice 3: Invitations for the prediction game

Everything set up? Get started then! Put a lot of emphasis on the prediction game invitation. It's the first message your future players will see. Don't write to everyone randomly but think about who you would like to be invited by you.

Advice 4: Invitation timing

Be sure to invite your friends and colleagues in time to the prediction game. Some may be on vacation or not reachable a few days. The invitation should be sent at least two weeks before the prediction game's start but not more than four weeks ahead. If you meet your co-players personally, you can also invite them personally and tell them about your prediction game beforehand. So that everyone knows before the e-mail even arrives.

On Monday before the Bundesliga season starts, you should remember all the players once again that it will start soon and now the time has come to register as a player, if you have not done so yet.

Advice 5: Praise a prize

Prizes, prizes, prizes! Prizes keep everyone enthusiastic! It doesn't have to be anything big or expensive. Sometimes little things are enough. A medal, a small touring trophy, a certificate or a jersey of the local football club.

Advice 6: Matchday reports

Encourage communication among the lads by creating regular matchday reports. Who was matchday winner, which courageous prediction should be particularly praised? Was the matchday easy to forecast or was there a lot of surprises? Did the player with the least expertise earn most points again?

Advice 7: Watch football all together

Organize a football night together with your prediction group. With our app in one hand you can follow the prediction evolution on the second screen. Suddenly a lame 0-0 match becomes highly exciting and some allways-draw predictors fear for their bet tip. No more goal please! If you are among your prediction friends in the 88th minute and can brag with your great predictions, awesome! Unfortunately only until goals are scored in the extra time like mellow apples fall from an apple tree

Advice 8: Crowning the Prediction King/Queen on a season-finale party

On the last matchday or shortly after, you can gather the prediction community. In a cosy environment you can then, for example, hand over a touring trophy to the winner and once again celebrate the scorecasting performances of the members. The best timing is of course right on the last matchday. Watch football first and then move onto the awarding ceremony. Or you can choose a national team's game or a national cup final that will take place after the end of the season.

Advice 9: Give the community a break, restart the prediction community

When the season is over, give the prediction group a break. There are 34 tense matchdays behind you. The summer break belongs to things other than football or your prediction community. As soon as you are ready again, you can migrate your prediction game to the new season with a "restart". After a few weeks of football break, everyone is excited again when your invitation to the next season lands at their house...

And now: have a lot of fun with your prediction community.

Create a prediction community and invite your friends and work colleagues.

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